
Wilanów Park

  02-958 Warszawa



Museum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów

The Wilanów Park forms an integral part of the Wilanów Palace and Gardens. Perfect for a pleasant walk, it is a destination of choice for Varsovians seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. Every year, the Park attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world.The choice of this location for a royal residence was guided by the favourable natural conditions. The combination of natural terraces and running water provided a perfect setting for a Baroque garden which relied for its impact on interesting vistas and strong visual links with the surrounding landscape. From the outset of his reign, King Jan III afforded a special degree of care for the gardens in his royal residence. The King inspected the gardens in person, planted trees and enjoyed their beauty spending long hours in his horticultural retreat. Over the centuries, the royal gardens have undergone changes as subsequent owners of the Wilanów estate expanded and modifie