Nivus Sp. z o.o.
Hutnicza 3, 81-212 Gdynia
Hutnicza 3, 81-212 Gdynia
Urządzenia pomiarowe z branży wodno-kanalizacyjnej
We are developer, manufacturer and supplier of instrumentation for the water industry. For more than 45 years NIVUS works in the field of flow measurements and is one of the worldwide leading companies in this sector. The product portfolio, among other devices, includes units for flow measurement, flow velocity detection, level measurement, pressure measurement and water quality measurement. Moreover the product range comprises software for recording, logging and evaluation of data. The range of products is completed by an extensive process control system. One of the NIVUS main areas is flow measurement as well as the various flow meters. Not only development and production of devices benefit from company know-how and experience, but also services such as the implementation of complete measurement campaigns. Installation and initial start-up of flow instruments and other NIVUS products as well as competent support on how to operate our pressure, level and flow meters are more parts of our portfolio.